
Crostelli Marco

Dott. Marco Crostelli, Specialista in Ortopedia e Chirurgia della Colonna Vertebrale.


Dr. Marco Crostelli enrolled in the degree course in Medicine at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Graduating on 8-11-1979 in five years and two sessions, gaining full marks (110/110 cum laude).
On 28.11.1983, he received his specialisation certificate in Orthopaedics and Traumatology with full marks (70/70) at “La Sapienza”, University of Rome.
In February 1978, he joined the Scoliosis department at the I Professorship of Orthopaedics and Traumatology directed by Prof. Monticelli, where he carried out assiduous operating, ward, and research activities.
In 1979, he won a place in the Post Graduate Schools in Orthopaedics and Traumatology, University of Rome.
In January 1980, he began to carry out professional activities at the Pro Juventute Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation, a centre specializing in the treatment of spinal deformities.
From 1 May 1980 until May 31, 1981 has also carried out professional activity at the Italian Red Cross Accident and Emergency, at both their fixed locations on board their ambulances.
From 1-5-1981 he served at the l’Ospedale Bambino Gesù di Palidoro. Orthopaedic Assistant from October 1 1988, concerning himself particularly with: Vertebral Deformities, Adult Vertebral Pain Pathology, Tumour pathologies, Paediatric Orthopaedics.
He obtained eligibility as a Consultant in Orthopaedics and Traumatology with the grade of 95/100 in the 1989 session.
Since 1 August 1998, he is Head of “Patologia Vertebrale” Unit at the I Division of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Ospedale Bambino Gesù di Palidoro (Rome) addressing the surgical and non-surgical treatment of spinal problems in childhood, adolescence and in adulthood.
From 1.6.2000 to 28.8.2002 he performed the functions of Assistant Physician Grade II, quarterly, in the I Divisione di Ortopedia della Sede di Palidoro.
He attended the course on “Integrated Management Training”, run by RSO and IRI MANAGEMENT that was held at the Ospedale Bambino Gesù from September 24 to November 23.
During his period of service at the Ospedale Bambino Gesu’ he performed countless highly specialised orthopaedic- traumatological surgeries as the first operator, (ten thousand surgeries). This caseload includes surgical procedures performed on the spine, cervico-dorsal – lumbar spine, access through the front and rear, on the pelvis and hips; on the upper and lower limbs, performed on paediatric patients, adults and senior citizens.
He has engaged in surgical consulting, performing surgical operations in many hospitals and university structures (Istituto Regina Elena per lo Studio dei Tumori di Roma Università degli Studi di Bari Ospedale Generale di Zona Villa S.Pietro Fatebenefratelli di Roma, Ospedale Fatebenefratelli San Giovanni Calibita Isola Tiberina di Roma, Ospedale Monaldi di Napoli Ospedale Generale Rummo di Benevento Ospedale Civile di Città di Castello, Ospedale Civile di Cassino).
He participated in 7 ongoing research projects approved by the Ministry of Health.

Dr. Marco Crostelli is author or co-author of numerous scientific publications, author and co-author of book chapters and Orthopaedics and Traumatology manuals, he has participated in numerous national and international congresses contributing his own reports. Chairman and moderator of scientific sessions in national and international congresses and conferences. He
is a member of several scientific societies.

He is President of Italian Spine Surgery Society- Italian Scoliosis Group (SICV-GIS) for the year 2016/2018 and within the same group was Adviser to the Management Committee for the years 96/98, and Treasurer of the same society.

He won a scholarship awarded by the Società Italiana di Patologia Vertebrale GIS for the year 1993 with his own original work entitled: “Studio retrospettivo comparativo delle artrodesi vertebrali limitate a L5 versus S1”( “A retrospective comparative study of spinal arthrodesis limited to L5 versus S1”).

He was Director of the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, for the years 92/94, Director of the Associazione Laziale Ortopedici-Traumatologi Ospedalieri.

He is an Alumnus member of the International Society- AO-ASIF (Association for the Study of Internal Fixation).
He was also a Lecturer in the Refresher Course for Teachers of Physical Education, held in the Ospedale Bambino Gesù di Palidoro in March 1981.

Scientific Secretary for the of Theoretical and Practical Course on the Ilizarov Method held in Palidoro in October 1985.
Scientific Secretary of the First International Symposium on Human Achondroplasia, held in Rome in November 1986.

He was the Organizer and Lecturer in a Spinal Surgery course on the Cotrel-Dubousset Method held in Palidoro in September 1994.
Lecturer on a Compact -Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation course held at the Istituto Ortopedico G. Pini in Milan in September 1995.
Lecturer and Instructor of the first AO Course held in San. Remo in June 1994.
Lecturer and Instructor of the second AO Course held in Rome in May 1996.
Lecturer at the Course of Education within the National Congress of the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, held in Milan in September 1996.
Scientific Secretary of the 27th National Congress of Ortopedici-Traumatologi Ospedalieri of Italy held in Rome in June 1996.
Member of the Faculty of 5th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, held in May 1998.
Lecturer and Instructor at the third AO course held in Varese in September 1998.
Member of the Faculty of the Visiting Fellowship Award from the Scoliosis Research Society in May 99.
Member of the Italian delegation and Rapporteur to the Italo-Mexican meeting held in Mexico in May 2000.
Organizer and Lecturer of the Spinal Surgery Course organized by the Società Italiana di Chirurgia Vertebrale G.I.S. at the Ospedale Bambino Gesu’ in Rome in December 2001.

He has done numerous internships in Italy and abroad in order to keep up to date, among them are the following:
– Internship at the Neurosurgical Clinic, University of Homburg – DE – October 1987
– Internship at Monografico Asepeyo Hospital Madrid – SP – October 1988
– Internship at Fundacion Icatme, Instituto Dexeus Barcelona – SP – October 1988
– Internship at Hopital Saint Vincent de Paul in Paris – FR – June 1989
– Internship at Princess Elizabeth Orthopaedic Hospital in Exeter – UK – October 1989
– Internship at Hopital Orthopaedique – Chirurgical Stephanie in Strasburg – FR – October 1989
– Internship at the University of Nevada – USA – October 1996
– Internship at Hopital Pitie-Salpetriere in Paris – FR – September 1996
– Internship at Annastift Institute at Hanover-D – November 1999
– Internship at the Centre for Spinal Surgery headed by Prof. J. Harms-DE-February 2007
– Internship at Childrens Hospital Kansas City U.S.A. October 2009- by Dott. J. MacCarthy
– Internship at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles U.S.A. October 2009 by Dott. S. Skaggs
– Internship at HSpine Center San Diego U.S.A. August 2010 by Dott B. Akbarnia
– Internship at Hospital de Necker Parigi Francia May 2014 by DoTT. L. iIlady